Tuesday, March 31, 2009

KSP Birthday

2weeks back, on the 21/3. Me and Steve go to MBC to help them take pic. . .
Here is some of the photos. . .
Not going to post everything up. . .
Don't know how to elaborate also..
So let the pic do the walking. . .

A junior was kena poison!
After she had her hand on the DSLR. . . It was so hard to call her let it off! Lol!
 Once she return Steve camera. . .
She come and borrow mine 1 pulak! Lol!

Was doing some lighting for Ah Tim Sir to see... ^_^

This girl was so geng of eating leh! Every time I pass the fun fair stall. . . I always saw her munching down large chunk of bread! Eat non-stop la her... Haha!

After that, rushed back home and get our self prepared and went to paradise beach to celebrate KSP birthday. . .
Before that, rush to Gurney cold storage buy charcoal for Hang for the BBQ and Saix run to buy present. . .Lol! We manage to done it in around 15min! Woot!
Patrick with his so call "brother" Haha!

I just want to say that. . . Steve i got this shot too! Haha! Too bad she is leaving Penang soon. . . All the laughter. . 

The birthday girl was working hard that night. . . Keep do all the cooking for us. . . Thx!

The another photographer! Steve!Photo buddy! Lol!

After all the eating. . . . It was "Dang Dang Dang Dang"!
Happy birthday to you. . .Happy Birthday to you. . . Happy Birthday to KSP~~~~
Hang with the cake coming out from the darkness. . .

Happy girl! Lol!

After blowing the candle. . . Helped her to take pic of her with all her buddies! Lol!
Flash all of them beh dong... But KSP still can open her eyes and continue snap leh! Geng a her! Future model! Lol!

After that they decided to hang out at Gurney to have a long chit chat~~~
And my usual favourite. . .

Use 50mm shoot Patrick. . .
It works well in low light condition! Woot!

Stay tune for more!
Paintball tomorrow! More update about it soon!
I think I should cut down my activity for this 2 weeks. . .Final is just around the corner! Stress week is approaching!