In another part of my life, there is BB aka Boys' Brigade which accompany along my five years journey in high school and have teaches me a lot of priceless thing in my life.
What is BB? BB is the OLDEST and the FIRST uniform unit in the world before more uniform unit appear following the appearance of BB. BB was founded in 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith back in Scotland. A short history review of the BB. It has been 125 years in the world and 62 years in Malaysia.
I joined The Boys' Brigade In Malaysia, 8th Penang Company at 2003. Since then everything change. Yesterday was the Enrolment Sunday of 8th penang company and it was a busy. Busy from morning 7 till night 7. For me, this is the 6th time I attend it and it still have the same effect for me, I still feel proud that I join and nervous about the promotion although if I did not get to promote. What is Enrollment Sunday? Enrollment is some sort of "Installation" that every commonly know, just that it was organize in Sunday. Below is some of the picture from yesterday.
The Officers
Well is quite tired.....Today also tired...Tomorrow going to have my General Studies test...
She today having her IT & Account Final Exam....Hope she is doing well...
Today kinda till here la...
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