A week back Me and Steve travel up North in the early morning to attend Saix Baptist ceremony!Luckily we manage to arrive in time since we both kinda late wake up!

The photographer - Steve
Saix being baptist
Shooting this children watching at the seas.
A group shot of them all.
After that went to Gurney to chill out at Coffee Beans
We get our new Digital Camera Magazine! Yeah!
After a while Steve fall asleep!
After that, afternoon session was Steve session to be baptist!

The garden at the centre
Guys playing football
Jonathan with another 2 friend drinking Teh "O" Ice! Haha!
A group shot before they went into the water.
Steve + Sean + Grace
Sexy can? Haha!
Lovely couple
Steve turn. . .
People shoot face I shoot backside!
Ah Saix Ah Saix your not Bboy la. . . Lol!
Walau eh so big lens!
Reaction after getting a good shot:

Do all the setting and brace for snapping!
Check the result
A peace sign you have done a great job! Haha!
A peaceful weather for shooting. . .
Just view a talented Photographer blog. . . Her name is Jenny Sun. . . I guess I have to photoshop my photo more often as I'm lazy to photoshop pictures unless it was assignment shooting! Haha!
I'm currently working as a photographer as my part time job and another part time as my parent factory "Multipurpose" Worker. . . Apa pun buat!
Currently offering photography package for a broad range of session.
For more info you can contact me by tsunami_ks@hotmail.com