Have you all hear about the Tomahawk Cruise Missile?
The Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is a long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile The Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is a long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile.
What seperate Tomahawk Cruise missile with other missle? This missile have typical characteristic that help to reach longer range target. After achieving flight, the missile's wings are unfolded for lift, the airscoop is exposed and the turbofan engine is employed for cruise flight.
The journey of a relationship also resemble the same journey as the Tomahawk Missile.
When a missile is fire is always very hot and happen very fast to propel the missile up into the air....
When two people started to know each other, it always started very "hot" everyday talk on the phone and sms to know ewach other....Both come very intimate and hardly to din communicate....But this is the part when most of the people was blind by the temporarily fast bursting developement in the communication as well as relationship...But they forget to check their fuel before take off...
Just like the missle, after it raech the designated altitude, it will unfold it wings and cruise but the cruising time vary by the distance to the target. Many "blind" people define the temporarily "hot" and started their another stage of relationship and continue to fly on and the danger part soon lurks behind the scene....They thought they have find the right one but many soon find problem in their relationship because it was burning was too fast......
Not like jet plan which can refuel on air.....missile on have 1 life span in its journey of life which is
Launch - Cruise - Seek and Destroy.....
Star - Journey - End
The insufficient fuel in relationship determine how long they will go....If you have plan well.... You may never crash......
When fuel start getting low....The relationship get tasteless and tasteless....soon termination occur....
The only way is to crash and burn....
So better check your fuel before you take off....
Pai seh if im out of order
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