Friday, August 21, 2009


Today went to school to help Shan print assignment and done my presentation stuff at CyberLab.
After that, Yung Ping, Eddie, Wei Lin, OKQ and Hwa arrive to settle their assignment.

After that went to Swensen at QB for some snack! Haha!
Laughing all the way. . .

Its been a while since I capture their smiles. . . I always capture the foods. . . Haha!

Wei Lin Tuna Burger. . .(Kids Size)

Yung Ping Cheese Ham Burger (Kids Size) Haha!

Hwa Seafood Salad! Damn big bowl. . .

OKQ Half Chicken!

Mine Beef Patty Burger! Wakaka!

Eddie Chicken Mushroom Burger!

After finish off our main course. . .
We settle for Earth Quake!
Eat till damn full!

Here is some of the headshots of the day. . .

Julia and Thaw soon join us after that. . . Some miss info lead them to Gurney. . . Nevertheless. . . They are the sweetest couple in class now. . . Haha!

Probably when you both free should come out let me shots a photobook for u both! Haha!

We seems to eat alot but they having student offer! 30% off!

Next week will be tuition free week! No class! But have to spend my time studying and assignment assignment!